Mindful Summer Time, Issue#6

Where I come from in Sweden, summers are usually short and not always sunny, and whenever the sun is shining you have to be outside. Here in Texas its the complete opposite! Also, with degrees around 100F, it’s a challenge with outdoor activities. Well, its all good and I am adjusting to my new lifestyle. Also, I am fortunate enough to go to Sweden for a couple of weeks in the end of August.

ICF MRC June 2016 BCC presentationAnother trip I recently did, was to the ICF Midwest Regional Conference in Indianapolis. Together with my colleague Helene Morais, we presented an interactive body-centered coaching session “Adding a body-centered tool to your practice; Moving beyond limiting associations. It was very rewarding and fun to be able to share one of Marlena Field’s (founder of the BCC method) body-centered coaching processes in person.

It’s always nourishing and energizing to spend time with the coaching community. Marshall Goldsmith, the Keynote speaker, brought some great energy as well as many other excellent presenters.

At Ann Betz and Ursula Pottinga’s session we learnt how neuroscience can help expand our effectiveness as coaches. I love how their research shows what we already know in body-centered coaching; that our brain is not just in our head! Their work show that we have neurons in our heart and gut, and that every part of our nervous system actually participates in processing information. Therefore it’s so important to include the body-centered perspective in our coaching, because when we only deal with “head” stuff we miss major aspects of our actual intelligence and insight.

Let’s finish with some words from Marshall Goldsmith; Life is short, follow your dreams and have fun NOW – we can’t change the play of hands but we have a choice how we play it”.

Happy playful, relaxing and mindful summer!

Love and presence,