Who is Body-Centered Coaching for? By Jeannie Campanelli

Who is Body-Centered Coaching for? 


Body-Centered Coaching is a wonderful body of work to support coaches, counselors, therapists, social workers, psychologists, mentors, healthcare professionals, and other wellness practitioners. It can be applied to one-on-one coaching or group coaching. It can easily be applied to any leadership model geared towards organizational or team development.

It provides helping professionals with a powerful and refreshing approach to unlocking clients’ growth and creating meaningful and sustainable change. Professionals can add this skill to their range of techniques and tools to deepen the client experience. The practice of Body-Centered Coaching helps clients with decision making, accomplishing goals and moving beyond limiting beliefs for further insights, inner peace and well-being.

Body-Centered Coaching is a one-on-one coaching experience for clients who want to learn to trust their inner knowing and make life choices based on a body, mind and spirit approach.

Why use Body-Centered Coaching?

The Body-Centered Coaching Method is a unique set of skill-enhancing coaching tools created from the integration of powerful schools of wisdom that access the body’s wisdom to create deeper, more powerful sustainable impact for coaches and their clients. It taps into the natural intelligence of the body and incorporates the body’s wisdom to assist clients to access body information that creates a greater depth of insight, self-awareness and self-acceptance.

Clients are empowered when you, as their guide, help them to access the body’s insight. Clients will grow and achieve meaningful and sustainable change in the following areas: decision-making and setting goals, moving beyond limiting beliefs, fusions, fears & anxiety, embodying resources for greater insight and inner peace, and health and well-being.

What does Body-Centered approach offer that is different from other somatic trainings?

Body-Centered Coaching has a unique set of skills designed specifically for coaches, therapists and other helping professionals that incorporates multi-disciplinary approaches to deliver sustainable change.

Its foundation is based on mindfulness, simply being, reflective presence, body wisdom and embodied wholeness. It is able to be taught and practiced in-person or over the phone with equal effectiveness.

This is not a cookie-cutter approach, meaning the skills and techniques are flexible and versatile and the coach or helping professional can use them in their own style. It is a coaching model, which focuses on coaching issues such a limiting beliefs and decision making. It is not a therapy model.

Body-Centered Coaching provides helping professionals with an additional and dynamic modality that can be applied to one-on-one coaching or group coaching. It can easily be applied to any leadership model geared towards organizational or team development.

– See more at: http://www.innerconfidencecoaching.com/body-centered-coaching/#more-5656

Change your body to change your mind – by Marlena Field

By Marlena Field, the founder of the Body-Centered Coaching Method.






Our bodies can be powerful indicators of how we are feeling. We may notice thoughts that go with a particular way we sit or stand, or places in our body that hold a particular sensation when we have certain feelings (like a clenched belly when we are nervous or afraid).

Our body posture also lets others know how we are feeling, even if the clues are subtle. I’m sure you have noticed strangers walk down the street and had thoughts like:

  • She looks like she’s having a great day.
  • He looks like he’s depressed.

Your body is a representation of your innermost mindset. In one way or another, your body expresses your thoughts, feelings and mood. If you catch yourself in a hunched position with your head hanging down, begin to notice your thoughts. What thoughts have created this body response?

The good news is – you can change your posture and your external expression in the world by embodying new thoughts, and you can change your thoughts and how you are feeling by changing your body.

Even though it may feel inauthentic at first, acting-as-if can actually change your bio-chemistry. It is more difficult to feel dispirited when your shoulders are back, your head is held high and you have a smile on your face.

There’s a Charlie Brown cartoon that goes like this:

Charlie is standing with a slumped body posture and he says to Lucy, “This is my depressed stance. When you’re depressed, it makes a lot of difference how you stand.

He straightens up and says “…the worst thing you can do is straighten up and hold your head high because then you’ll start to feel better.”

Charlie goes back to his slumped posture and says: “If you’re going to get any joy out of being depressed, you’ve got to stand like this.”

Harvard Professor, Amy Cuddy, has done extensive research on the links between how we hold our bodies and how we feel … and further how that impacts our presence and relationships with others. Her famous TED Talk on ‘Power Poses’ is compelling and informative.

With Body-Centered Coaching, we work with our clients to support them in becoming more aware of their body, its messages, and how they can utilize the resources within it. We cannot change what we are unaware of, and for many of our clients, body-centered coaching opens up a whole new territory of awareness and possibility.

  • Pay attention today to how you hold your body when you are in different moods / states of mind … what do you notice?
  • Try on a ‘power pose’ and hold it for two minutes …. Does it shift how you feel?
  • Invite one of your clients this week to try on different poses … pay attention to what shifts in the coaching conversation. What do you notice?

Include the body in the coaching conversation – by Nina Mioen


The new year of 2015 couldn’t have started on a better note! After a fun and exciting family-ski-trip with my husband and our three sons to Taos, New Mexico, I got to full-heartedly dive in to the work and planning of the upcoming Body-Centered-Coaching Tele-Trainings, starting in April 7, 2015.

Together with two other talented and inspiring Body-Centered Coaches, Jeannie Campanelli and Marcia Dorfman, we will offer The Body-Centered Method, founded by Marlena Field, through highly interactive and practical tele-trainings. All three of us are trained and supervised by Marlena Field, and we all share the same passion for the Body-Centered Method. We know from our own experience, as well as coaching with our clients, that including the body in the conversation is a powerful way to get to the heart of the matter with greater speed and clarity.

Its a privilege to continue and expand Marlena Fields work through teaching body-centered methods. Its also a privilege for me to be part of this experienced Trio of Trainers. I love the synergy and the vital energy to work and plan together! I also believe it will benefit the participants to have an experience of each of our styles.

So, why body-centered coaching, and not just coaching, you might ask? And I would answer, when you don’t include the body in the coaching conversation, something valuable gets missed! The practice of body-centered coaching recognizes that body, mind and spirit are different aspects of your whole being, like different doorways into the same house. Sometimes your heart wants to go in one direction and your mind in another. When you pay attention to the totality of body, mind and spirit, you listen with all parts of your being – eyes, ears, heart, soul, body, and mind – encouraging all parts to be heard and respected. The individual parts partner with each other for the greatest good – for you, those around you and for the environment. You need to listen to your heart’s wisdom, as well as your mind.  Although the Body-Centered Coaching Method focuses on the body as an avenue for insight and learning, the reality is that you as a whole person is moving toward becoming more integrated.

As a coach, I know I can make an important difference by assisting my clients to get to the heart of what really matters to them. I can be a significant witness as they move towards greater harmony in their lives. As I include the body in the coaching conversation, I witness more sustainable change and insight with my clients.

Nina Mioen, ACC, CBCC, CVCC


Gratitude – by Nina Miöen

GratitudeI am so grateful today! The morning air was so fresh, unusually crisp for being this time of the year in Texas. I almost got a sense of Swedish fall in the air! And I really got to experience it as I biked to my Tuesday yoga class. What a blessing that my car was being repaired and I had to get out of my habitual way of doing things! And what a blessing to slow down, reconnect with my whole being, and find my inner strength at yoga.

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