Have you ever found yourself unsure how you are going to handle a new or difficult situation?
Let’s face it, we all have times when our confidence has gone temporarily missing and the thought of stepping into uncharted territory makes us wonder how we are going to pull it off.
It could be performance anxiety anticipating stepping onto a bigger stage; or being put in charge of a high-stakes project; or needing to have a ‘difficult’ conversation with someone.
As body-centered coaches, we particularly like working with our clients at times like this. Using a technique we call ‘remembering the resource’, we can guide our clients to remember a related previous accomplishment and by so doing they access their own internal resilience and strength. When they recognize this within themselves, body, mind and spirit are aligned, and they are ready to step out of uncertainty and forge ahead confidently.
Really all we are doing is helping our clients tune into what they already know. And it’s lovely hearing how they then sailed through whatever the challenge was, calmly and successfully.